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Exceptional Clinical Case: Dr. Filippo Cardinali’s 4-Year Follow-Up with CeraSeal

Treatment of 1.5 with lesion, deep apical split and large foramina.

Despite the sizes of the foramina were bigger than 70, the canals were obdurated using the Cold Hydraulic Condensation Technique with CeraSeal bioceramic sealer: this approach is really ergonomic and time saving.

Review at 1 and 4 years shows the complete healing of the lesion.

Two-Year Follow-Up: Dr. Filippo Cardinali’s Retreatment Case with CeraSeal

Retreatment of 1.6 with lesion, plastic core in the maxillary sinus and large foramina.

Many problems in this first maxillary molar despite the presence of a big lesion. The palatal root was over enlarged and the plastic cores of the obturator went beyond the apex in the buccal roots in the mesio-buccal root the plastic core arrived inside the maxillary sinus.and extrusion of the plastic core beyond the apex. The tooth was symptomatic and were addressed in 2 visits. During the first visit the obturation material was removed and the tooth was dressed with Calcium Hydroxide for 3 weeks. During the second visit the canals were obdurated using the Cold Hydraulic Condensation Technique with CeraSeal bioceramic sealer.

Review at 1 and 2 years shows the complete healing of the lesion.

Dr. Filippo Cardinali’s Remarkable 3-Year and 6-Year Follow-Up Case with CeraSeal

Retreatment of 1.6 with lesion, plastic core in the maxillary sinus and large foramina.

Many problems in this first maxillary molar despite the presence of a big lesion. The palatal root was over enlarged and the plastic cores of the obturator went beyond the apex in the buccal roots: in the mesio-buccal root the plastic core arrived inside the maxillary sinus.and extrusion of the plastic core beyond the apex. The tooth was symptomatic and were addressed in 2 visits. During the first visit the obturation material was removed and the tooth was dressed with Calcium Hydroxide for 3 weeks. During the second visit the canals were obdurated using the Cold Hydraulic Condensation Technique with CeraSeal bioceramic sealer:.

Review at 1 and 2 years shows the complete healing of the lesion.

Dr. Filippo Cardinali’s Exceptional 1-Year and 6-Year Follow-Up Case with CeraSeal

Retreatment of 2.5 with Deep Probing, and Big distal bone loss - 6 years follow-up.

Challenging diagnosis in this case. The patient was referred with a suspect of VRF of 25. Clinical examination reveals the presence of a deep probing with no crack line, the radiographic examination shows a big distal bone loss and an empty area between the fiber post and the obturation material. Obturation using Cold Hydraulic Condensation and CeraSeal bioceramic sealer: a lateral canal that connect the empty canal space and the infection area is present and injected by the bioceramic sealer. The bone loss is a sinus tract inside the gingival sulcus. Review at 1 and 6 years shows the complete healing of the big lesion

Dr. Filippo Cardinali’s Remarkable 1-Year and 5-Year Follow-Up Case with CeraSeal

The patient was referred for the treatment of the necrotic 1.6 with a large periapical lesion. The CBCT shows the size of the lesion and mucosal thickening of the Schneiderian membrane of the maxillary sinus. The tooth was symptomatic and was treated in 2 visits. During the first visit the tooth was shaped, cleaned and then dressed with Calcium Hydroxide for 3 weeks. During the second visit the canals were obdurated using the Cold Hydraulic Condensation Technique with CeraSeal bioceramic sealer.

Review at 1 and 5 years shows the complete healing of the lesion and the physiological mucosal thickening of the Schneiderian membrane of the maxillary sinus.

Dr. Mostafa Anwar’s Exceptional Case: CeraSeal in Complex Lower Second Premolar Obturations

1- Referred Lower Second Premolar with complex anatomy, after access cavity preparation & Intracanal medication.

2- CBCT shows Two Buccal fused roots with one POE and one lingual root.

The complexity lies in RC preparation and obturation, however the obturation can be simplified with the use of CeraSeal Bioceramic Sealer.

3- Application of CeraSeal BC sealer in all the canals, then using a Gutta-percha Single cone in DB canal followed by MB Master cone (Type II Canals).

4- Application of the master cone of lingual canal where “Hot Modified” technique was used to create post space.

Note; Lateral Canal in the DB root filled with CeraSeal due to its amazing flowability.

Dr. Filippo Cardinali’s 6-Year Follow-Up Case: Successful Treatment of Pulpitis with CeraSeal

Pulpitis 4.7 with a complex anatomy - 6 years follow-up.

Patient was referred for the treatment of 47 with pulpits few weeks after the cementation of the crown. Challenging anatomy in the mesial root with a double curvature that impede the proper execution of obturation with the Warm Vertical Compaction. The tooth was treated in 2 visits. During the first visit the tooth was shaped, cleaned and dressed. During the second visit the canals were obturated using the Cold Hydraulic Condensation Technique, a single cone with CeraSeal bioceramic sealer.

Review at 1 and 6 years shows the stability of this sealer based technique with a partial resorption of the bioceramic sealer extruded beyond the apex in the distal root.

Dr. Filippo Cardinali’s 5-Year Follow-Up: Successful Treatment of Necrotic Tooth with CeraSeal

Necrosis, big lesion and discoloration of 2.2 - 5 years follow-up.

Patient came to my attention for the discolored of 2.2 reporting abscess episodes in the past. The tooth was tender to percussion and palpation. Treatment was done in 2 visits. During the first visit the tooth was shaped, cleaned and dressed with calcium hydroxide . During the second visit the canal was obturated using the Cold Hydraulic Condensation Technique, a single cone with CeraSeal bioceramic sealer. After the obturation a layer of flowable composite was immediately applied to seal the canal orifice and protect the obturation material by the action of the material for the internal bleaching.

Review at 1 and 5 years shows the stability of this sealer based technique and the healing of the lesion.

Highlighting Dr. Anwar’s Successful Case: Lower Left Canine Treatment

1- Patient came complaining of Lower left Canine showing poor obturation, a missed lingual root & periapical lesion with bone loss during previous RCT.

2- Non-surgical retreatment was performed in single visit, there were two separate roots and obturation was done using Single Gutta percha cone & CeraSeal Bioceramic Sealer.

3- Application of CeraSeal BC sealer in such cases provides many advantages; Antibacterial properties, Allows rapid tissue repair and bone healing over short period of time due to its BioActivity. We never intentionally puff the sealer, however the flowability of sealer might show some apical extrusion of this Biocompatible material.

4- After 11 months, the Follow up Xrays show very nice tissue repair and complete healing. Note the bone formation following the root anatomy. This helps to ensure a good success

Highlighting Dr. Anwar’s Successful Case Single-Visit RCT with CeraSeal for Apical Periodontitis

A Male patient was referred for RCT to his Upper Left Lateral Incisor.

This Lateral incisor had Symptomatic Apical Periodontitis with Moderate sized lesion as shown in the PA radiograph with previous crown restoration.

Note the discontinuity of the lamina dura due to the infection.

Single visit RCT was performed and proper disinfection protocol was followed, then Hydraulic Condensation Obturation Technique using “CeraSeal”

Bioceramic Sealer.

There was unintentional sealer puff periapically, however the biocompatibility & bioactivity of the material are of great help, allowing rapid healing progress.

Follow up of the case after 5 months shows good healing, tissue repair, bone formation, intact lamina dura and most importantly; MATERIAL STABILITY & INTEGRITY over time.

Highlighting Dr. Filippo Cardinali’s Clinical Case: Retreatments with CeraSeal

Retreatment 36 with lesion and Treatment of symptomatic 37 - 4 years follow-up.

Patient was referred for 2 problems: the tooth 36 was tender to percussion and palpation, the 37 presented the tipical signs of “Cracked tooth Syndrome” with no probing and favorable prognosis. Treatments were done in 2 visits. During the first visit teeth were shaped, cleaned and dressed with calcium hydroxide . During the second visit the canals were obturated using the Cold Hydraulic Condensation Technique, a single cone with CeraSeal bioceramic sealer. Nice recall sent by the referral Dentist after 4 years.

Case Study: Symptomatic Tooth 2.7 with Large Lesion and Sinus Tract – 4-Year Follow-Up

2.7: Big Lesion - Sinus Tract - Overfilling - Healing - 4 years recall

Patient was referred for the treatment of a symptomatic 2.7 with a big lesion and sinus tract.

After 4 weeks dressing with Calcium Hydroxide, the sinus tract healed, symptoms disappeared and the canals were obturated using the Cold Hydraulic Condensation Technique, a single cone with CeraSeal bioceramic sealer. At the post operative radiograph a big overfilling was present, not happy at all for that but it happens. The tooth was secured with a temporary crown and it was finalized with a Zirconia crown after the healing at 1y year was assessed with a CBCT. Nice recall sent by the referral Dentist after 4 years.

Case Study: Failure of Indirect Pulp Capping on Tooth 1.4 – 4-Year Follow-Up

1.4: Failure of Indirect Pulp Capping - CHC & CeraSeal - 4 years recall

Patient with periodontal disease was referred for the failure of indirect pulp capping on 1.4 done eight months before. The patient came to my attention with complaints of pain and swelling in the right upper quadrant. Access cavity was made and pulp chamber was opened and pus was allowed to drain. After 2 days the toot was shaped, cleaned and dressed with Calcium Hydroxide. After 2 weeks canals were obturated using the Cold Hydraulic Condensation Technique, single cone with CeraSeal bioceramic sealer. The hydraulic pressure created by the proper application of the technique resulted in the injection of a lateral canal. Review at 1 and 4 years shows the stability of this sealer based technique and the healing of the lesion.

Case Study: Successful Treatment of Lateral Canals with CeraSeal

Lateral canals aren’t evident sometimes in the preoperative radiographs, however if there is a lateral lesion then we should suspect a lateral canal.

In this case, a male patient came complaining of continuous pain related to Upper Left Central and Lateral Incisors, whom he recently restored with crowns. So, Access cavity was made through the newly made Crowns to preserve them.

Paying attention and great care to Disinfection protocols while getting the benefit of CeraSeal Bioceramic sealer’s flowability shows how can we fill those lateral canals simply and efficiently.

Tissue healing and bone repair with CeraSeal Integrity and Stability over time, indicates the success of such cases. One year follow up with Excellent results.

Case Study: Internal Resorption Treatment with CeraSeal – 5-Year Follow-Up

Patient was referred with history of acute abscess treated with antibiotics in the right lower quadrant.

The 4.5 was still tender to percussion with a big lesion and an internal resorption detected at periapical rx.

The treatment was done in a Single Visit as exudate was not present in the canal after the shaping and a very punctilious cleaning. A cone with a strong tug-back was selected and the canal was obturated using the Cold Hydraulic Condensation

Technique, a single cone with CeraSeal bioceramic sealer.

Thanks to its flowability the Ceraseal completely filled the internal resorption and at the same time a remarkable quantity of sealer moved beyond the apex.

At the review after 18 months I was surprised not by the good healing but by the complete reabsorption of the sealant, which is uncommon and often associated with the problem of wash-out with loss of seal and negative outcome of the treatment.

Review at 5years shows the stability of this sealer based technique and the positive outcome of the treatment.

What happened? What do you think?

Retreatment of Lower Right Second Premolar

Well, in this retreatment case of lower right second premolar which had poor obturation above evident ledge, the gutta-percha was removed using rotary files and then the ledge was successfully bypassed.

There was an evident periapical lesion related to this premolar, so after proper disinfection, i decided to use CeraSeal Bioceramic Sealer. However, i used it in Continuous Wave of Compaction Technique in order to create a post space later for the post and core restoration.

The application of CeraSeal in such technique should be limited to the apical half of the canal without any pressure to avoid apical extrusion. If applied correctly, CeraSeal won’t be affected by the heat of the CWC technique.

After Three months of Follow up, you can see complete Tissue healing and bone repair with CeraSeal Integrity and Stability over time, which indicates the success of such case. More follow up is advised for sure since saving teeth is our priority.